Tuesday, August 28, 2012

A Whole Brain Teaching Video

           This Is an AMAZING video!!!!!

I just found this video on youtube. Now... It is first grade but its not what she is teaching that I wanted to share with you, It is how she is teaching and the way she teaches that is so amazing. 

She is using a teaching method called "Whole Brain Teaching". Like I shared in an earlier post I also will be using this method in the classroom. I wanted to show you how my circle times will run and how much fun your children will have learning.

Sunday, August 26, 2012

Aug/Sept. Newsletter

           Miss Amy’s September Newsletter
I am so excited to get this year started. It’s a brand new year and it is full of fun experiences that will help your children learn and grow. If your child is returning to my classroom from last year, you will see many changes. I have a new co-teacher, her name is Miss Colleen. She will be teaching sign language. Colleen and I will be teaching with whole brain teaching this year and We will be using a new handwriting and math curriculum.                                       
Class Of 2012


                     Aug/September themes


Welcome To Your Classroom
Something from your summer

Sept  3-7

Back To School
Something your favorite color

All About Me
Something that starts with the letter Aa

Our Bodies/Feelings
Something that starts with the letter Bb

Our Friends/Family

A picture of your Family

Show N Tell
This might be difficult for your child the first few weeks. Every week there will be a theme.  I am asking not to bring a toy for show n tell unless it begins with the letter of the week. I rarely give homework so this is one thing I am asking your child to participate in every week.

My teacher Blog
Something else new this year is I started a teacher blog. It is up and running and already has a few posts for you read. Each week I will post pictures (no faces of your children will be posted) and activities they are working on. I will also post the monthly themes and show n tell schedule. Please check it out at….

Sneakers, a Jacket and Extra Clothes
Three things your child should have in their cubbie is sneakers, (if your child likes to wear crocks, sandals, or flip flops) a light jacket,( a hoody works great)and a change of clothes in a large zip lock bag.

Scholastic Book Club
Your child will be developing the foundation for their reading skills throughout the kindergarten year. Reading with your child is a great way to assist them in becoming a successful reader. Book club order form will go out monthly and let your child look at them with you. They will share what they read here at school, what their interests are and it will be a great way to spend time with your child.

Our Indoor Garden
I have 2 wonderful windows in the classroom. I think it would be nice to have an indoor garden this year. I will bring in a few of my house plants from home to start it. I am inviting you to also bring in house plant. A few good choices are Bamboo, Cactus, Aloe, Ferns, Spider plants, and Jade plants but there are many more you could choose from.

Supplies Needed For the Year
Last year I started a supply list. It is not mandatory but if there is any items on the list you would like to bring in that would be great.

*24 box of crayons
*Pencil box
*Glue sticks
*Dry erase markers
*Zip lock bags (quart and gallon)
*Coloring books
*Different sizes of containers (the disposable dishes with lids)
*Small Shoe Boxes

Saturday, August 25, 2012

Math and Science Activities For September

Colors and Shapes

In the month of September my main focus will be colors and shapes. I will be teaching counting 1-10 and number recognition through color and shape activities. These activities are a fun way for my students to learn independently and to reach goals I have made for them. 

During center time I will have the math and science center open and set up with color and shape activities. 

Here are some examples of the activities and the standards that they hit....

                                     Shape Card Sort
Math Standard 2.9.1- Sort geometric figures according to common attributes.

                                                      Shape Stick Puzzle
Math Standard 2.9.1- Identify and name common two dimensional geometric shapes.

                                         Shape Tiles
Math Standard 2.9.3- Practice using directionality independently.  Model how a shape can be turned indifferent ways and remain the same shape.

                                   Shape Felt Pieces

                                     Color Ring Sort

                             Color Sight Word Tile Game
Literacy Standard 1.1.2-Identify basic sight words.

                                   Color Clown Patterns 
Math Standard 2.8.3- Recognize, describe, extend, and transfer patterns.

                                      Color Match Game
Approaches to learning 15.1.3-Engage in simple games with rules with the ability to plan ahead to develop strategies.

                        Color Match Game with Numbers 1-6
Math Standard 2.1.1- Read and write whole numbers.

Friday, August 17, 2012

Centers in My Classroom

                    Centers in my classroom
Learning centers promote independence, to become more responsibility, and to learn through self discovery. Its a way to target specific academic skills and a way to enrich curriculum. 

                                Math and Science Center

                                      Literacy Center 

                                         Block Center

                                      Small Motor Center

                                  Dramatic Play Center

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Whole Brain Teaching

Whole Brain Teaching


 This is an example of whole brain teaching being used in circle time. I am very excited to use the whole brain teaching approach during circle and center time of the day.

There are many good videos on youtube showing how whole brain teaching can be used in the classroom, many show the rules and the class/yes technique. Its seems like a good classroom management tool and it looks like fun.

Whole-brain teaching is an instructional approach derived from neurolinguistic descriptions of the functions of the brain’s left and right hemispheres.

Basic Elements
Neurolinguistic findings about the brain’s language functions show that in the integrated brain, the functions of one hemisphere are immediately available to the other, producing a more balanced use of language. Whole-brain teaching emphasizes active learning, in which the learner makes connections that tap both hemispheres.
Another aspect of whole-brain teaching is managing the emotional climate, to reduce the “downshifting”–or primal thinking–that occurs during distress. To relax learners, instructors may offer clear, realistic predictions of barriers (such as, “Advancement may be sporadic”) and progress (such as, “Sooner or later, this will become easier”). Plus, instructors may try enhancing the learning experience with music or soothing colors.
In whole-brain learning, imaging is seen as the basis for comprehension. For this reason, learners are encouraged to visualize, draw, and use drama as they develop new ideas, in order to retain them. A reading teacher, for instance, might present new vocabulary words by building a story or skit that uses them–but doesn’t define them–in context. The teacher then might play music while reading the definitions, leaving time for listeners to draw images of the words. The teacher next might use guided meditation to build a relaxed state containing memories of success before the listeners hear the definitions again. And the learners might even act out the words’ meanings or construct stories of their own.

Thursday, August 9, 2012

Handwriting Without Tears

Handwriting Without Tears

A handwriting curriculum that uses multi-sensory techniques and consistent habits to help students learn pencil grip, posture, letter formation and handwriting from Pre-K through cursive.

Handwriting Without Tears promotes....
-Language proficiency
-Color and shape awareness
-Fine and gross motor control
-Letter and number recognition
-Counting abilities
-Social skills

This school year I will be using Handwriting without tears in the classroom. It is being used in many school districts in the area and I have fallen in love with many of the techniques.

This is a video of Wet Try Dry.... Even with my despise of chalk I am so anxious to use this technique.

This video is of Mat Man...These wooden shapes help teach body awareness. 

The wooden shapes that are used in Mat Man are going to be used in the classroom to teach shapes, letters, and numbers.

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

35 Books That I Love To Use In The Classroom

35 Of My Favorite Books
1.Where the Wild Things Are
2. The Snow Day
3. Harold and The Purple Crayon
4. Jamberry
5. Happy Birthday Moon
6. The Giving Tree
7. Good Night Moon
8. Green Eggs And Ham
9. Cloudy With A Chance Of Meatballs
10. Chicka Chicka Boom Boom
11. Sheep In A Jeep
12. A Snowy Day
13. Harry The Dirty Dog
14. The Dot
15. The Mitten
16.Danny The Dinosaur
17. Caps For Sale
18. The Carrot Seed
19. It Looked Like Spilled Milk
20. Chrysanthemum
21. Sylvester and the Magic Pebble
22. Mouse Paint
23. Go Away, Big Green Monster
24. Little Blue and Little Yellow
25. Swimmy
26. Stone Soup
27. Chicken Soup with Rice
28. Corduroy
29. Go Dog Go
30. Ten Apples On top
31. Diary of a Worm
32. Blueberries for Sal
33. The Jacket I Wear In The Snow
34. Red Leaf, Yellow Leaf
35. Put Me In The Zoo

It`s the Final Countdown!!!

 21days left!
It is that time again. School is right around the bend, summers days are numbered. The kids this year are starting school on August 29 and they are getting excited to start new routines and make new friends.

My name is Amy Stord and for the last 10 years I have been teaching kindergarten at Almost Home Children Center. This year I wanted to share my classroom and what activities we do with others.