Sunday, August 26, 2012

Aug/Sept. Newsletter

           Miss Amy’s September Newsletter
I am so excited to get this year started. It’s a brand new year and it is full of fun experiences that will help your children learn and grow. If your child is returning to my classroom from last year, you will see many changes. I have a new co-teacher, her name is Miss Colleen. She will be teaching sign language. Colleen and I will be teaching with whole brain teaching this year and We will be using a new handwriting and math curriculum.                                       
Class Of 2012


                     Aug/September themes


Welcome To Your Classroom
Something from your summer

Sept  3-7

Back To School
Something your favorite color

All About Me
Something that starts with the letter Aa

Our Bodies/Feelings
Something that starts with the letter Bb

Our Friends/Family

A picture of your Family

Show N Tell
This might be difficult for your child the first few weeks. Every week there will be a theme.  I am asking not to bring a toy for show n tell unless it begins with the letter of the week. I rarely give homework so this is one thing I am asking your child to participate in every week.

My teacher Blog
Something else new this year is I started a teacher blog. It is up and running and already has a few posts for you read. Each week I will post pictures (no faces of your children will be posted) and activities they are working on. I will also post the monthly themes and show n tell schedule. Please check it out at….

Sneakers, a Jacket and Extra Clothes
Three things your child should have in their cubbie is sneakers, (if your child likes to wear crocks, sandals, or flip flops) a light jacket,( a hoody works great)and a change of clothes in a large zip lock bag.

Scholastic Book Club
Your child will be developing the foundation for their reading skills throughout the kindergarten year. Reading with your child is a great way to assist them in becoming a successful reader. Book club order form will go out monthly and let your child look at them with you. They will share what they read here at school, what their interests are and it will be a great way to spend time with your child.

Our Indoor Garden
I have 2 wonderful windows in the classroom. I think it would be nice to have an indoor garden this year. I will bring in a few of my house plants from home to start it. I am inviting you to also bring in house plant. A few good choices are Bamboo, Cactus, Aloe, Ferns, Spider plants, and Jade plants but there are many more you could choose from.

Supplies Needed For the Year
Last year I started a supply list. It is not mandatory but if there is any items on the list you would like to bring in that would be great.

*24 box of crayons
*Pencil box
*Glue sticks
*Dry erase markers
*Zip lock bags (quart and gallon)
*Coloring books
*Different sizes of containers (the disposable dishes with lids)
*Small Shoe Boxes

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