Tuesday, September 4, 2012


Chicka Chicka Boom Boom Day

Today was a wonderful day full of alphabet activities. We read Chicka Chicka Boom Boom and listened to the story on the Ipad.  I also introduced Mat Man today. We sang the Mat Man song and  learned how to put him together.

Here is pictures of a few activities we did today....

We also went on an alphabet scavenger hunt, used letter cookie cutters with play dough, played with the alphabet eye spy pillow, and have a letter match game on the white board.

The class had to cut out the trunk... everyone cut it on there own, pick 4 leaves, glue them on the orange paper and choose letters to put on the tree.

They had a chance to retell the story using magnet letter on the refrigerator.

This is Mat Man... 4 students still have to draw a Mat Man, we ran out of time today. I was so impressed how well the did. Tomorrow the ones that didn't get a chance will in the morning.

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