Monday, September 3, 2012

It was an awesome first week!!! 

I enjoyed having all your children this week and I can see its going to be a wonderful year. Thank you for all the mommy and daddies who brought back the information sheet and a picture of your child. If you didn't get a chance to last week, its ok to bring it in this week.

I will have another letter for you to read this week. It will be explaining Handwriting Without Tears and Whole Brain Teaching in a little more detail. 

I only had 2 days this week with your children. Basically we got to know each other a little bit. The main way your children will learn this year is by having hands on experiences and a lot small motor activities. This week  I used four fun activities that your children enjoyed.

         In this picture I am teaching the children how to write their name in salt. They all enjoyed writing in it. I will give them many different opportunities to learn the way to write their name this year. 

Not all my students can identify their numbers. In this exercise they can count the number of buttons to see what the number is. They will have some kind of practice learning their numbers everyday.

This is my hole punching center and it will be available in the art center. It helps strengthen their grip which helps in handwriting skills and it is a lot of fun.

Last... The play dough center, also found in the art center. 

Small motor activities helps to strengthen grip for preparation of handwriting, increase hand and eye coordination, teaches practical life skills, and helps develop concentration.

This year your child will be...

  1. Pouring
  2. Sorting
  3. Building
  4. Lacing
  5. Grasping
  6. Arranging
  7. Picking-(Not buggies)
  8. Shaking-Discovery bottles
  9. Marking
  10. Cutting
  11. Squeezing
  12. Rubbing-With Crayons
  13. Pinching
  14. Crumbling
  15. Hammering
  16. Stringing
  17. Tracing
  18. Tearing
  19. Stacking
  20. Screwing-Nuts and bolts
  21. Twisting-Lock and keys
  22. Folding-Clothes and paper

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